This blog will be hosting the next History Carnival on 1 March 2014. In case you don’t know what that is, let them tell you rather than me:
History Carnival is a monthly showcase of blog writing about history, usually held on the 1st day of the month. It’s hosted at a different blog each month to provide a variety of approaches and perspectives.
There’s so much interesting stuff appearing on the internet all the time, and finding that website is often a matter of chance, or luck, which is what makes ‘carnivals’ like these so worthwhile and rewarding. They’re basically the internet equivalent of anthologies — except that most anthologies represent the personal choices of their individual editors, whereas carnivals are often crowd-sourced.
How you can get involved
Which brings in you, dear reader.
Have you seen any blog posts related to history within the last month that you think other people should see too? Or maybe there’s a particular blog that you go back to time after time? Then why not take a minute to nominate them for inclusion? It won’t cost you anything except a moment of your time, and the bloggers are sure to be delighted by the extra publicity.
You’ve got a pretty free choice too. Quoting again from the History Carnival website:
History is a diverse field, and we welcome suitable nominations from anyone with something interesting to say about history, ‘academic’ or ‘popular’ — specialist topics, research, teaching, sources, debates and controversies, etc — so long as it is based on facts and evidence.
How to submit nominations
The normal way to do this is to send an email to the host using the simple nomination form. Alternatively, you can e-mail suggestions directly to
The small print
Nominated posts should have been published since the most recent Carnival edition, that is to say, since 1 February of this year. Please ensure you include the full URL of the post you are nominating, and ideally the post title and blog name.
How else you can help
Spread the word! The more people know about this, the better it will be. So why not tweet this request, or add it to your Facebook or Google+? You can use the links below.
And finally…
Don’t forget to check back here on or after 1 March to see all the weird and wonderful things people have found. Did I say “weird and wonderful”? Yes indeed! I leave you with this picture, from last month’s carnival:
Click on the image to view last month’s History Carnival and to find out more about beards (among other things)
Irish History Compressed is to host the next History Carnival by Bruce Gaston