Category: General

Sisi, Maynooth and St. George

This is actually from a call for papers for an academic conference on Austrian travel writing, but I found it pretty funny: On 24 February 1879, Empress Elizabeth of Austria (‘Sisi’), participating in a stag hunt out of Summerhill House,…

Forthcoming: Σύντομη Ιστορία της Ιρλανδίας

The Greek translation of the Irish History Compressed e-book will be available within the next week or two from all the usual outlets. Όντας μία σύντομη εξιστόρηση των σημαντικότερων γεγονότων στην Ιστορία της Ιρλανδίας από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι τον 21ο…

The Irish and Latin America

This post was inspired by, and is in honour of, my translators into Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese (neither of whom, as far as I know, have Irish ancestry). [Edit 7/9/2015: I stand corrected. “Dowling” is an anglicised version of a…

Loyalist paramilitaries:
An overview

UFF mural on a gable end in Sandy Row, Belfast

In the Troubles loyalists killed 990 people; 708 simply because they were Catholics.1 The question is “Why?” Main Groupings The two most important and longest-established loyalist terrorist groups are: Ulster Volunteer Force founded in 1966, the fiftieth anniversary of the…

Free E-Book on Irish History

For St Patrick’s Day only, you can download the Irish History Compressed e-book absolutely free using the coupon code KQ89Z. Get it here: And if you do read it and like it, please think about posting a review to…

Significant Commas in Irish History

As well as teaching about Irish history, I teach English language and grammar, especially the written variety, which a lot of the time seems to mean teaching commas: where to put one, where not to put one, and why it…