Author: Bruce Gaston

Propaganda posters and postcards on Pinterest

That’s a very alliterative title! I’ve been neglecting the Irish History Compressed Pinterest pages for quite a while now but just recently I’ve added some new pictures, all related to publicity campaigns/propaganda from the period of the Irish revolution. It’s meant to show many contrasting threads of opinion, so there are posters issued by Irish nationalists and Ulster Unionists, with a few others such as the ICA (who I hesitate to lump in with “Irish nationalists”, as their initial aims were quite different1). The one pictured here is interesting. I’ve never seen something like it before. I assume the rather odd promise not to conscript anyone into the Cumann na mBan sports days is simply a device to get a poster that prominently declares “NO CONSCRIPTION!” past the censor.

  1. As it happens, I’m reading The Irish Citizen Army by Ann Matthews (Mercier Press, 2014) at the minute. 

Forthcoming: Σύντομη Ιστορία της Ιρλανδίας

The Greek translation of the Irish History Compressed e-book will be available within the next week or two from all the usual outlets. Όντας μία σύντομη εξιστόρηση των σημαντικότερων γεγονότων στην Ιστορία της Ιρλανδίας από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι τον 21ο…

De geschiedenis van Ierland in een notendop

Dit e-book, een korte geschiedenis van Ierland van de prehistorie tot de eenentwintigste eeuw, is bedoeld voor iedereen die snel inzicht wil krijgen in het onderwerp of die zijn kennis erover wil opfrissen. Dit beknopte maar bondige boek is in…

Review of The Border by Diarmaid Ferriter

The Border: The Legacy of a Century of Anglo-Irish Politics Diarmaid Ferriter Profile Books London   A combination of the Decade of Commemoration in Ireland and the shenanigans around a Brexit deal have led to a renewed focus on the…