Irish History Compressed now has a Twitter feed under the rather squashed moniker of (You’d think with over 500 million users the twelve-character limit on Twitter names would need to be lifted…) That means that from now on you…
The Republic: The Fight for Irish Independence 1918-1923, by Charles Townshend
The Times Higher Education Supplement has a review by Marianne Elliott: The Republic: The Fight for Irish Independence 1918-1923, by Charles Townshend | Books | Times Higher Education.
Ireland and the World Wars on Pinterest
It’s all been a bit quiet around here recently as attention has been focused on back-end things such as redesigning and optimising the website. I’ve also been procrastinating a bit by playing around with Pinterest, and I decided to move…
The Rathmines Church Fire, 1920 – Come here to me!
In one of those funny coincidences, I had only reposted this picture on Pinterest yesterday, to then find an entry on the same subject on the Come here to me Dublin blog, quoting from and apparently questioning the Sunday Times…
Treaty Port handover ‘just like yesterday’
Several of the Irish newspapers have been reporting another anniversary (though not a centenary, for once!): 75 years since the handing over to Irish control of what were referred to as “the Treaty Ports”. These were three deep-water navy bases…
The various IRAs
(Note: I have tried to keep this account as factual as possible and my own views out of it, so any political slant and/or bias people read into it is as much a product of their minds as my words!)…